Monday, April 6, 2009

Getting Pure Publicity!

In this economy... organizations, companies and individuals are having to get very creative in gaining exposure. It's rough out there. We might be in the midst of recovery, but we are far from any solutions. Gone, for now, are the days of paying high priced ad agencies and PR firms to create an image.... nonetheless... and image worth promoting!

So... how is a company, individual, organization, band or the like to get promotion when they have a less than steller budget?

That is where Pure comes in. This is not your typical Publicity or PR firm. I'm an 'al la carte' service... helping the 'up and commers' gain the exposure they so desperatly need to survive in this struggling business environment. I cater to the small business owners that are doing big business without "big business" budgets.

For years and years I watched my family build a media business.... I worked for top media companies in multiple capacities.... and after years of watching so many people failing to promote with purpose... well, let's just say..... I have pretty much had enough!

There are some amazing unknown authors out there.... so many talented musicians.... unique motivational speakers... fantastic philanthropic organizations... and remarkable small businesses and many of them struggle with getting their purpose out there. They neither have the time, resources, contacts nor dollars to make it happen.

Large ad agencies and PR firms charge for their promotion platforms. Back in the day.... these companies were instrumental in getting messages out to the right audience. Well, I don't need to tell any of you how very different the social business climate has changed in the past couple years. We are in a very unique position today to be able to promote with purpose... gain the audiences we need to stay in business and not pay an arm and a leg for it!

If you need this sort of help..... you have come to the right place.

I'm not going to describe what I can do for you or tell you how much I'm going to bill you for! That would be a complete contradiction to this entire post. There is NO platform here, and if you think that is what is needed to be successful.... you have come to the "wrong" place.

I can get you Pur Publicity.... Just watch me!

1 comment:

  1. Extremely well stated. Times are changeing and people need to be versatile in their publicity approaches. I like the idea of "no platform." Work with what the person has and needs.

    I may be working with you soon.

